Jones & Beach Engineers Inc. is becoming the leader of the Seacoast advocating infiltration design systems for stormwater management. Although the science of infiltration has been around for years, there has been a recent push for better and more innovative approaches to stormwater management that go well beyond the traditional detention basin solution. Using the concept of sustaining the hydrologic cycle, Jones & Beach is implementing a number of methods and materials that infiltrate runoff, especially porous pavement and brick materials that overlie stone storage beds and sand filtration layers for better water quality into our clients’ developments and reduced flooding.
These systems take a conventional site design that requires both a structural paving system as well as closed drainage systems to include conveyance and detention basins, and converts them into one system used as a “Best Management Practice” that sustains the natural soil infiltration and groundwater recharge of a given site. These systems are designed to prevent any increase in runoff volume during the two-year frequency rainfall, provide for better water quality treatment, and they also mitigate the peak rate of runoff for all other storm events.
Low Impact Design (LID) requires yearly maintenance to ensure the stormwater viability and functionality. The key is designing the features properly so they are long-lasting and sustainable. Landscaping Design with Rain Gardens, Bioretention Cells and Gravel Wetlands provides aesthetic enhancement to the property as well. Many towns are requiring yearly Operation and Maintenance Reports to be in compliance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regulations. We provide this service at many of our recently designed sites.
Jones & Beach Engineers Inc. is currently developing both residential and commercial projects using pervious systems. In the Towns of Hampton and Exeter, NH, we have designed multiple sites utilizing pervious paving systems and there were many constructed after 2008. Additional site designs using pervious pavement systems are currently under way in the municipalities of Dover, Concord, North Hampton, Portsmouth, Hampton, Barrington, Epping, and North Conway.